Checkley Bush - The Reunion!
Victoria Bush (she of Bad Girls and Waterloo Road) and Laura Checkley (she of Bridget Jones Baby and rubber faced marvel) reunited tonight for 3 nights only as their hugely successful comedy duo Checkley Bush.
Branding themselves 'the dirtiest girls in comedy' - totally true, filthy fuckers the pair of them, they have sold out their run at the Leicester Square Theatre in...err...Leicester Square and their old mates, us, were there to see them!

From the minute their big gorgeous faces appeared in the opening VT I felt a warm fuzzy feeling as the ladies have lost none of their chemistry, charm and, quite frankly, insanity! It was great to see familiar characters return, those siamese twins still reduce me to tears of laughter, and kudos to Laura for dragging me up on stage (I almost ran up I was so excited) to play a white Beyonce to a white Jay Z - I've never felt so brilliantly uncool.
After the show Checkley Bush came out and greeted their crowd, full of family, friends and those who were new to the duo. I couldn't hug them hard enough! Don't leave us for another four years you two, we missed you too much!
Twitter: @checkleybush @Laucheckley @thisbetherealvb